Vectric® Master Training Course Curriculum
Below you can find the course curriculum of the Vectric® Master Training Course. If you are already a student, you can click on a lesson to go right to it. If not, you will be prompted to sign up. New lessons are always being added or updated!
[Last updated: 1-27-2022]
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Chapter #1: Getting Started
Chapter #2: Snap Settings
Chapter #3: Creating Vectors
Chapter #4: Text Tools
Chapter #5: Transform Objects
Chapter #6: Edit Objects
Chapter #7: Offsets and Layouts
Chapter #8: Tool Database
Chapter #9: Creating Toolpaths
Thread Milling Toolpath - (Coming Soon)
Laser Cut & Fill Toolpath - (Coming Soon)
Chamfer Toolpath - (Coming Soon)
Chapter #10: Toolpath Operations
Tile Toolpaths - (Coming Soon)
Chapter #11: Bonus Lessons
Importing Sketchup Models - (Coming Soon)
Advanced: Editing Post Processors - (Coming Soon)
Chapter #12: Practice Lessons
Practice Project #3a: Analog Wall Clock - Drawing Design - (Coming Soon)
Practice Project #3b: Analog Wall Clock - Creating Toolpaths - (Coming Soon)
Chapter #13: Gadgets
13.1 | What are Gadgets?
13.2 | How to Download Gadgets
13.3 | Gadget Shortcuts
13.4 | DXF Batch Proccessor Gadget
13.5 | Drag Knife Toolpath Gadget
13.6 | Explode Vectors Gadget
13.7 | Keyhole Toolpath Gadget
13.8 | Circle Resize Gadget
13.9 | Fluter Gadget
13.10 | Gear Maker Gadget
13.11 | Spiral Creator Gadget
13.12 | Square Around Gadget
13.13 | Valance Gadget
13.14 | Dovetail Gadget
13.15 | Dogbone Gadget
13.16 | Box Creator Gadget
13.17 | Dado Toolpath Gadget
13.18 | Chamfer Gadget
13.19 | Half Toner Gadget
13.19.1 | Half Toner Gadget - Cropping Images
13.20 | Job Backup Gadget Suite
Gadget Quiz
Chapter #14: 3D Model Tools for VCarve & Aspire
14.0 | Intro to Chapter 14
14.1 | Job Setup & Modeling Resolution
14.2 | Small Model - Large Material Trick
14.3 | Navigating the Layout Space
14.4 | 3D Clipart
14.5 | 3D Model Resources
14.6 | Import a Component or 3D Model
14.7 | 3D Combine Modes
14.8 | 3D Component Tree
14.9A | Shape Height & Base Height
14.9B | Fade, Tilt, & Bake
14.9C | Component Appearance
14.10 | 2D Vector Boundaries
14.11 | Level Clipping
14.12 | Mirror Mode
14.13 | Zero Plane Component
14.14 | Smoothing Filter
14.15 | Scale Z Height of Model
14.16 | Slice Model
14.17 | Project Toolpaths onto 3D Models
14.18 | Intro to Multiply Combine Mode
14.19 | Multiply Combine Mode - Example 1
14.20 | Multiply Combine Mode - Example 2
Intro to 3D Modeling Quiz
Chapter #15: 3D Carving Practice Project
(Coming Soon) 15.0 | Intro to Chapter 15
15.1 | Design a 3D Project from Clipart
15.2 | Setup Toolpaths for a 3D Project (Version 10.5 and earlier)
15.3 | Setup Toolpaths for a 3D Project (Version 11 and later)
15.4 | Adding a Keyhole Toolpath on Backside of 3D Project
15.5 | Setup & Run Toolpaths on Backside
(Coming Soon)15.6 | Finishing Tips & Techniques
Chapter #16: 3D Modeling for Aspire
16.1 | Create a Shape from Vector Outlines
16.2 | Two Rail Sweep
16.3 | Extrude and Weave
16.4 | Turn and Spin
16.5 | Multiple Ways to Make Components
16.6 | Combine Components
16.7 | Clearing and Splitting Components
16.8 | Replace Below
16.9 | Emboss Components
16.10 | Add Draft to Model
16.11 | Offset Model
16.12 | Distort 3D Components
16.13 | Create Component from Toolpath Preview
Advanced Lessons: Double Sided Machining
(Double sided lessons coming soon!)
Advanced Lessons: Rotary Machining
Job Setup - (Coming Soon)
Wrapping Gadget - Rounding Toolpath - (Coming Soon)
Wrapping Gadget - Flutting Layout - (Coming Soon)
Wrapping Gadget - Spiral Layout - (Coming Soon)
Turned Profile Gadget - (Coming Soon)